Bearded dragons have gained popularity in recent years. Reptiles have always had a devoted fanbase, although they are significantly less popular than Fluffy and Fido. However, this charming reptile may change that. Beardies make good pets! A local Fayette County, KY vet shares fun facts about them in this article.
Captive Ones Live Longer
Wild beardies live 4-10 years. This is a pretty good lifespan for a wild lizard. Some larger ones live longer, but many smaller ones only live a few years. However, pet beardies typically survive longer than wild ones. The average pet beardie lifespan is 7–15 years.
They’re Quite Friendly
Beardies are very friendly, which explains their popularity. They are calm and relaxed, unlike other lizards. At least for reptiles, they get bonded to humans. Many enjoy cuddling!
Several Types
The bearded dragon is native to Australia, where it lives in hot, arid environments such as deserts, forests, savannas, and scrub. They usually reach 18–22 inches.
Beardies come in eight varieties. The kind most commonly kept as a pet is the Pogona Vitticeps, also known as the Central or Inland bearded dragon.
There are also various mutations, or morphs, of beardies. However, Pogona Vitticeps variants may have varied hues and patterns. Different nail colors, spikes, scales, sizes, and head shapes are also possible.
Here are some of the most common:
- Classic
- Dunner
- Leatherback
- Paradox
- German Giant
- Silkback
- Wero
- Hypo
- Silverback
Another intriguing fact? Beardies can exhibit traits from several morphs at once!
They Are Poisonous (But Not Much)
The bearded dragon is venomous, but don’t worry. Venom from bearded dragons isn’t typically dangerous to humans. If you get bit, you’ll probably just feel some minor irritation.
They Have Broken Records
One special beardie lived longer than expected. Sebastian survived over 19 years, and made it into the Guinness Book of World Records.
Stress Stiffens Their Spikes
Beardie spikes are usually soft and rubbery. A stressed animal will harden those spikes in defense, though.
They Taste Odors
Beardies capture fragrance molecules with their tongues like snakes. Their brain interprets fragrance, not taste.
Fireflies Are Toxic To Them
Lucibufagins, which is found in fireflies, poisons many reptiles, including beardies. An adult beardie can die from consuming just half a firefly!
Fireflies are not the sole item that beardies should refrain from consuming. Avocado, milk, chocolate, onions, chives, mushrooms, garlic, rhubarb, avocados, and eggplants are some other foods that should never be given to a beardie. Acidic fruits including oranges, tomatoes, lemons, limes, and pineapples are also bad for beardies. Finally, you should also avoid feeding your beardie natural insects that may carry parasites or disease. Ask your Fayette County, KY vet for dietary advice.
They Can Run Fast
Beardies can move pretty quickly when they want to. These guys can run 9 mph, and can even run backwards!
They Are Capable Of Having Two Heads
Although it’s unusual, beardies with two heads really do exist. One is at Fountain Valley Reptile Zoo!
Keeping Them As Pets In Hawaii Is Illegal
Bearded dragons are legal in the mainland U.S. but illegal in Hawaii. They thrive in the climate, which is a bit too favorable for them. Escaped pet dragons can breed and decimate local species.
They Have Interesting Body Language
Learning about our pets’ communication is fascinating. Beardies’ nonverbal cues are amazing. Threatened beardies may raise their chins, blow up their beards, or open their mouths. Hissing is possible also. Bobbing heads indicate attitude and intent. Speed matters here: an aggressive dragon may bob swiftly, while a calm dragon may bob slowly.
This article has concentrated on entertaining facts, but if you’re considering adopting a beardie, you should also learn about the less enjoyable information, such as indicators of illness, common diseases, and general beardie care. We can help! Contact our Fayette County, KY animal clinic for more information.
Set An Appointment at Our Fayette County, KY Pet Clinic
Do you have bearded dragon care questions? Looking for a fantastic reptile vet? Call us, your Fayette County, KY pet hospital anytime!