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Parakeet Care FAQs

November 1, 2024
Did you know there are over 100 different varieties of parakeets? The little parrots have won many hearts. Loveable and full of personality, they make fantastic pets! In this article, a Lexington, KY veterinarian talks about parakeets and offers some basic care tips.

Parakeet Basics

The Psittacidae branch of the parrot family tree is home to roughly 115 parrots. The Australian common parakeet was first recorded in 1805. These little birds can sport many different feather colors, but are usually green, blue, or yellow. Polly can grow to 7 inches long, and may survive 10-12 years with adequate care.

Are Parakeets Budgies?

Yes. The distinction is an issue of geographical dialects and preferences. In America, we call them parakeets. Other countries call them budgerigars or budgies.

Do Parakeets Make Good Pets?

Parakeets make great pets … for the proper person. Not only are they cute, but they are also usually very gentle and can bond very strongly with people. We don’t recommend them for little children due to their fragility, though.

Do Parakeets Need Buddies?

This is not an absolute necessity; however, it is highly recommended. Parakeets are quite gregarious and like spending time with their friends! Just keep in mind that if you get two birds, they will likely form a strong friendship with each other, while one bird will bond with you. If your bird is your only pet, spend lots of time with her every day to avoid loneliness. Never just pair up two strange birds. Introductions must be done slowly. Even though parakeets are friendly, not all of them will get along. Ask your vet for particular guidance.

What Sort Of Cage Will Polly Need?

Bigger is always better with birdcages. For one parakeet, you need an 18″ x 18″ x 18″ cage. Two birds increase the minimum size to 30″ x 18″ x 18″. We recommend getting the largest cage you can fit. Parakeets are quite active, and need a cage that offers both vertical and horizontal space. Here are a few other tips:
  • Consider a cage with perks, such as slide-out trays, retractable tops, or easy-access doors. These characteristics may cost more, but the convenience they offer will usually justify the higher price.
  • Many cages have stands. Sometimes you can order one as an accessory. However, you can utilize furniture instead of a stand. Just be careful with this if you have a cat!
  • Bar spacing is crucial for safety. The bars should be less than half an inch apart. Some birds should not have bars with spaces that exceed 5/8”. 
  • Check the cage for small objects or sharp edges that could hurt your pet.
  • Find out what the cage is composed of. Powder-coated or stainless steel are good choices. Zinc and lead can actually poison birds!
  • Be very wary about used cages. If the last occupant was sick, the cage may be contaminated.
  • Pick the right place. Avoid spots with drafts and direct sunlight. Polly won’t be comfortable if she’s too exposed, but she may grow lonely if she’s off by herself. A den or family room corner is usually good. Vapors and fumes can make your pet very sick, so make sure their cage is in a well-ventilated environment with clean air. Don’t put your winged buddy near the kitchen or any workshops that may give off fumes.

What Can Parakeets Eat?

Polly can consume premium parakeet food. You can choose a seed or pellet. Both are fine—just don’t switch randomly. Any and all pet dietary changes should be done gradually. For treats, you can offer safe fruits. Just keep in mind that sugary fruits should be served sparingly. Apples (seedless), grapes, mango, bananas, passion fruit, papaya, and peaches are appropriate. Pasta is also very popular among our feathered pals. Polly can enjoy it raw or cooked. And while not all seeds are healthy, many birds can safely consume watermelon, millet, sunflower, and chia seeds. Popcorn is another option. This is a nutritious and convenient snack for both humans and parrots! Give Polly hers without salt, butter, or garnishes. You can also feed your parakeet modest amounts of bread, grain, and grains.  Ask your Lexington, KY vet for particular guidance.

Make An Appointment At Our Lexington, KY Animal Hospital

Do you have parakeet care questions? Feel free to contact us anytime. As your Lexington, KY pet hospital, we offer top-notch care!

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