Have you decided to bring a pet ferret into your home? Ferrets are very fun little pets. These curious and feisty little furballs can definitely melt some hearts. While ferrets are domesticated, they, like any other animal, need to learn some manners, and will have to be taught what is and isn’t proper behavior. Socializing ferrets is very important. Ferrets that have not been properly socialized are much more likely to bite or nip, act aggressive, or develop other bad manners. In this article, your veterinarian Lexington discusses when, why and how to socialize a ferret.
Why Socializing Is Important
Ferrets don’t have hands, so they tend to use their mouths to grab things … including you! Ferrets also sometimes nip one another in play. A nip won’t hurt another ferret much, as that soft, silky fur will protect them, but those little teeth are sharp and can tear our skin much more easily.
When To Socialize
As with many animals, it’s best to socialize a ferret while he’s young. The more your ferret is used to being handled, the tamer he will be. You’ll also want to get your ferret used to having his feet and mouth handled while he’s young.
How To Socialize
You should spend about 10-15 minutes at a time with your ferret, several times daily. During this time, you should hold your ferret, pet him, and talk to him softly. Some ferret owners advise holding pet ferrets while watching TV for some relaxing quality time.
When it comes to teaching your ferret not to nip, positive reinforcement is a much better tactic than negative reinforcement. If your ferret gently tugs at your pant leg, for instance, pick him up and cuddle him, and even give him a little treat. If your ferret bites you, you can scold him by scruffing him, or blowing into his face, but if you punish, shout at, or hit your ferret, you may just frighten him, which can cause more behavioral issues.
Do you have any questions about caring for your pet ferret? If so, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help with all of your pet care needs. To read more articles from your vet clinic Lexington, please visit our website
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