The last thing any pet owner wants to do on Thanksgiving or Christmas is rush their pet to the animal emergency room! But, the truth is that many pets are injured or poisoned during these holidays. Most animal related ER visits at this time are due to eating something inappropriate.
Follow these tips to keep your pet both happy and safe throughout the holiday season:
Avoid Turkey Skin: A small amount of white turkey is an acceptable treat but definitely avoid the turkey skin. The skin is often fatty and can cause pets to develop pancreatitis, a painful inflammation of the pet’s pancreas.
Avoid Turkey Bones: Poultry bones, especially when cooked, have potential to both break off and cause a perforation of the digestive tract or, if large amounts are consumed, could cause an obstruction.
Avoid foods that are poisonous or difficult for pets to digest: These include:
- Caffeine
- Grapes or Raisins
- Alcohol
- Macadamia Nuts
- Onions and Garlic
- Milk
- Xylitol
- Yeast dough
Secure leftovers and trash cans: Many items used in the meal preparation and then thrown away can be dangerous. A turkey string, foil wrappers, etc may smell like food and be eaten by a curious pet.
Keep holiday plants away from pets: Mistletoe and holly can cause vomiting and lilies are often deadly to cats. Poinsettias, despite their reputation, are not deadly and often cause little more than mild stomach upset.
Supervise pets around holiday decorations: Ribbons and tinsel are especially attractive and hazardous to cats. Keep an eye on electrical cords to ensure puppies and kittens don’t chew on them.
Confine pets during the arrival and departure of guests: Guests are not always on the lookout for curious pets and pets may try to escape out a door left open too wide or too long.
Keep our phone number handy: Despite the best of intentions we know that accidents happen. Remember that Animal Care Clinic’s Doctors are available to help our clients and their pets 24/7, even on holidays. Call 859-223-8866 if you’re concerned your pet may be ill or injured and the operator will connect you with one of our veterinarians.
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