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Great Reasons to Play with Your Cat

September 1, 2024
Is your cat playful? It is probably true that the answer to that question is yes. Fluffy is a fun pet, in large part because she is quite mischievous. Regularly playing with your furry friend is one of the best things you can do for her! A Lexington, KY veterinarian shares some reasons in the article below. Why Is It Important To Play With Your Cat? Playing helps Fluffy in many ways. It keeps her active, provides mental stimulation, and is just fun. These are important for your cat’s health and happiness. Cats can get quite upset and unhappy when they are bored. This could lead to physical issues, such as excessive grooming or insufficient eating. Another reason playing is important is that it allows your kitty to show her inner lioness. Cats have a natural instinct to hunt. In the wild, they depend on their hunting skills to stay alive. Fluffy really wants to get better at pouncing, scratching, and biting. Playing lets her indulge those aggressive feelings safely. It’s also great for connecting. When you spend time holding a wand toy or laser pointer for your cat, she will see that you are doing something special for her. That will definitely get you some purrs and head bonks. Plus, playing can help shy cats gain confidence. Learning to master that tricky combination of run, jump, roll, pounce, meow, and tail lash can really benefit a shy cat. Picture a shy child finally scoring a goal. It’s very similar. Can You Make Your Cat Happier By Playing With Them? Definitely! In addition to what we discussed before, Fluffy just enjoys playing. Fun is very important for her happiness and well-being. This will make your cat feel loved.  Those play sessions could be beneficial for you as well. Spending time with Fluffy can lower your blood pressure and help you feel less stressed and anxious. It also brings us happiness, which is great for our mental and emotional health. What Makes Cats So Amusing? Playing with your pet can be just as fun for you as it is for her! It’s hard not to laugh at some of Fluffy’s amusing antics. Kittens are always cute, and they can be extra adorable and amusing when they are playing.   Fluffy is both predator and prey by nature. This forms an interesting mix of confidence and reserve. Your cat may be fearless when chasing a moth in the living room, but it might also run away in fright if you accidentally bang a pot while cooking. Should I Play With My Cat Regularly? We recommend spending time with Fluffy every day. This shouldn’t take much time. A few minutes can be useful. One easy way to do this is to place some cat toys near your favorite chair or sofa. Just take them while you watch TV or relax. What Should I Stay Away From When Playing With My Cat? Playing with your cat is easy, but there are a few things to steer clear of.
  • Avoid shining a laser pointer directly into your cat’s eyes. That could damage her eyesight!
  • Do not play with dangerous objects. This includes small or sharp items, rope or string objects, plastic bags, ties, and similar items. Use actual cat toys!
  • After you finish using a wand or string toy, be sure to put it away. Your pet could get trapped if she tries to use it while you’re not home. That could be very dangerous for her!
  • Lastly, if you have multiple cats, be sure to avoid showing favoritism. Cats can get very jealous of one another.
When Is The Best Time To Play With My Cat? There aren’t any strict rules for this. When you are at home and your cat is awake, everything will be just fine! If your pet is full of energy, consider playing with her before bedtime. We hope Fluffy gets tired soon. We probably don’t need to explain what happens when cats get tired. Have a nap! If your furry friend is ready to sleep, she is more likely to cuddle with you for the night instead of playing with her toys or pouncing on your ankles while you try to rest. Why Is My Cat Attacking Me? What is one interesting thing about cats? Sometimes, they show their love by biting or scratching us. They are not shy about using us as toys to hone their lion skills. This can be delightful, but it might also lead to some undesirable behavior. It’s important to understand the difference between playful teasing and real anger. If Fluffy is just playing, she will probably nibble softly. She may stop her attack to start licking you or act a bit playful. Angry cats may hiss or growl, and they won’t hold back. Fluffy can switch from one option to another at any time, often with little or no notice. If your cat is acting aggressively, promptly say ‘No’ or ‘Be nice.’ Then, look away and ignore her. This should communicate the message clearly. If your cat is misbehaving or showing aggression, talk to your vet for advice. When Should I Stop Playing With My Cat? Your cat will probably decide. When Fluffy feels she has had enough, she just stops playing and walks away. That is one of the several differences between cats and dogs. Fido will do his best to keep his owners happy. Fluffy doesn’t even make an effort to feel a bit tired. If your cat begins to attack you, it’s a good idea to stop playtime. That’s not good pet etiquette and can lead to some dangerous behavior later on! Don’t shout at your pet; that could just make her scared of you. Tell her to ‘Play nice.’ You could also say, ‘Keep your claws to yourself’ or ‘Please don’t bite.’ What matters is consistency. If that doesn’t work, take a step back and allow her some space for a bit. Fluffy might need some time to understand, but eventually, she will catch on.  What Kinds of Toys Do Cats Like? That varies from one cat to another. Some people like to chase the tricky red dot from a laser pointer. Some enjoy hitting small balls. Some are completely content playing with a bottle cap or an ice cube. Try different options and see what your pet likes best. If you have multiple cats, offer a range of choices: your lovely pets may have different likes.  There are definitely plenty of great options for you to pick from. In addition to classic cat toys, like catnip mice, you can now get smart toys, such as mechanical mice that respond to your kitty’s movements or laser pointers you control through an app on your phone. You can even download games for Fluffy to play on an old phone or tablet. Consult your Lexington, KY vet for specific advice. Schedule an Appointment at Our Lexington, KY Animal Hospital Do you have any questions or concerns about your cat’s health or care? Contact us today at your Lexington, KY animal clinic. We are dedicated to offering great veterinary care, and are always here to help you!

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