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Holiday Gifts For Floppy

December 15, 2022
Rabbits are super cute and lovable pets. And, like the rest of our furry friends, they somehow manage to be extra cute at this time of year. As you wrap up—or perhaps start—your holiday shopping, don’t forget to pick up a few things for your furry little friend. A Lexington, KY vet lists a few ‘pawsible’ gift options below.

Bunny Cracker

Floppy loves foraging toys. Foraging toys that incorporate snacks? Even better! Stuff a toilet paper or paper towel roll with fresh, safe treats. Or, put some fun snacks and toys in a box or basket, and cover them with shredded paper. Just stick with safe options. Hay treats are a good bet. Rabbits can also have certain herbs, such as basil, dill, oregano, and mint; and/or certain fruits, such as banana, apple, or blueberry. (Just be careful here: too much sugar is bad for pets.) Ask your vet for recommendations.


Why not make your bunny a stocking? You can fill it with treats and chew toys that Floppy will like. This is a great option for DIY Toys. You can do a lot with things like plain paper or toilet paper tubes. These are great kids’ projects!


Many bunnies love exploring mazes and tunnels. Cat tunnels are fine, but you can also make your own out of cardboard. PVC pipe will also work, as long as it’s too big for Floppy to get stuck in. Just choose something that is made out of safe materials.

Modern Toys

Pet product companies have really stepped up their game over the last few years. There are some really cute modern toys for our furry pals! Floppy may like stackable toys, treat dispensers, and snuffle mats. Woven balls are also a big hit with these guys.


A good bed may be one of life’s smaller luxuries, but it can make a big difference. Get Floppy a nice, comfy one!

Chew Toys

Chewing is natural behavior for bunnies. They have open-rooted teeth, which never stop growing. Floppy should always have plenty of suitable things to nibble on. Many wood, wicker, and cardboard items are fine, but there are some caveats. Avoid anything with sharp parts, ropes or strings, or small pieces. Ask your vet for more information. Happy Holidays! Do you have questions about your bunny’s health or care? Contact us, your Lexington, KY pet hospital!

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