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Bonding With A Rescue Cat

May 15, 2022
Have you recently adopted a rescue kitty? If so, you definitely have our support! While we’re happy to see any pet go to a great forever home, we’re always thrilled to see rescues getting another chance at happiness. Of course, our feline pals are all very different. Some may immediately decide that their new humans are the best things ever. Others need more time to adjust and feel safe. If your kitty falls into the latter ‘cat’egory, read on. A Lexington, KY vet offers advice on bonding with Fluffy below.

Don’t Force It

Never force attention on a kitty … especially a shy one. It’s important to let your feline buddy come to you. Focus on providing great TLC. That means good food, a clean litterbox, and regular veterinary care. Toys and playtime will also help get that motor going!

Talk To The Kitty

One of the best things you can do for Fluffy is just talk to her. Use a cheerful tone of voice. She won’t understand your words, but she’ll understand the intent.

Offer Luxuries

One great thing about cats? They don’t have expensive tastes. Just providing toys, a few beds, and maybe a cat tower will make your pet feel like she’s hit the lotto and is living a life of kitty luxury. (Also on Fluffy’s wish list? Treats, window seats, catnip, and scratching posts, as well as the occasional empty box.)

Provide Safe Space

Rescue cats can be quite nervous. Fluffy may very well feel safer with a little hiding place or two that she can go to if she feels scared. Kitty tents and tunnels work great for this. You can also get her a cat tower with an enclosed level.

Keep It Pawsitive

Make all your interactions with your kitty positive and cheerful. If Fluffy does something she shouldn’t, such as scratching your sofa, clap your hands or squirt her with water. Don’t yell at her or strike her: that will just scare her.

Let Love Grow

This may be the most important one on the list. Don’t try to force things. It could take Fluffy time to really feel safe. You may notice her gradually becoming less shy. Even kitties that are quite aloof sometimes surprise their humans by randomly snuggling up with them. As your Lexington, KY animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Contact us anytime!

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