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Pet Disaster Preparation Tips

September 15, 2021
September is National Disaster Preparation Month. Disasters can come in many different forms. Some, such as tornadoes, wildfires, blizzards, and hurricanes, are seasonal, while others, such as earthquakes and house fires, can happen at any time. There’s no way to know what will happen next or when, so it’s best to be prepared for anything. A Lexington, KY vet offers some advice on this below.


One of the most important things you can do to prepare your furry friend for potential disasters is to get them microchipped. You’ll also need to keep your records updated in the chipmaker’s database. ID tags are important as well, as they’re still the simplest and easiest way for someone to be able to contact you if you find your pet.

Travel Bag

It’s a good idea to have a travel carrier and emergency bag ready for your animal companionl. Keep these together, in an easy-to-reach spot. The bag should include a week’s worth of pet necessities. Some things to add include dishes; toys; a pet first-aid kit; bedding, blankets, or substrate; fresh water; food; treats; and any medication your pet needs. Dogs need a leash, tie-out line, and waste baggies, while kitties should have litter and a litterbox. Reptiles will need some form of heating element.


It’s always better to have an evacuation plan ready, even though you’ll hopefully never need to use it. Print out a list of pet-friendly hotels and shelters within a few hours’ drive. It’s also a good idea to get some hard copy road maps. Keep these with copies of your pet’s registration and vaccination records in a sealed plastic bag. We recommend storing that in or near your furry friend’s travel bag or carrier, or perhaps in your glove box. This is very important, as you may need to show proof that your furry buddy is registered and current on their vaccinations. (Tip: we also recommend taking photos of this paperwork, and either emailing those to yourself and/or keeping them on your phone.)


If you have a dog, it’s also important that Fido obey commands such as Sit, Stay, and Come. This can help you keep him from running off, or approaching dangerous areas. In a disaster situation, that training could save your pet’s life! As your Lexington, KY animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Call us anytime!

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