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Helping Your Shelter Cat Adjust

June 1, 2021
June is Adopt A Shelter Cat Month! If you’re looking to bring a new kitty into your home, this is the perfect time to do so. Of course, getting adopted is a huge life event for Fluffy. Even if your cat finds herself living the life of kitty luxury, she’ll need time to settle in. A Lexington, KY vet offers a few tips on that below.


You’ll need to make a trip to the pet store. Fluffy will need food, toys, treats, bedding, a litterbox and litter, a carrier, dishes, and grooming supplies. Your furry pal will also appreciate some kitty furniture, such as scratching posts or boards, and maybe even a cat tower.

Settling In

Your kitty may feel safest if she has a quiet, cozy area where she can adjust. Of course, how and where you put her things somewhat depends on the size of your house and your household. If you and Fluffy will be living alone in a small apartment, you don’t have to worry about this. If you’re in a larger house with other pets, you may want to keep Fluffy separated for a while. Do some petproofing before letting the furball out to play!

Meeting The Roommates

Speaking of other pets, if your feline buddy is going to have roommates, keep them separated at first. Introductions should be slow and steady. Start by letting them sniff one another beneath the door. Don’t let them meet face to face until your furry friends are comfortable with each other’s scents.

Veterinary Appointment

One of the first things you’ll want to do is take your kitty to meet her new doctor. Chances are, Fluffy will already be fixed. However, she’ll need a microchip, a full exam, and parasite control, as well as any recommended vaccines.


Kitties tend to be creatures of habit. Get Fluffy started out on her daily routine. Your furry friend will make her own schedule for those 32 daily naps, so you mainly want to be consistent with meals, playtime, and quite kitty hangout time.


Cats can take time to warm up to new homes and families. Don’t force attention on Fluffy! With time, love, and great TLC, you’ll have that motor going in no time. As your local Lexington, KY veterinary clinic, we’re dedicated to keeping your pet happy, healthy, and purring. Call us anytime!

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