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Picking Out Fido’s Dog Dishes

March 15, 2021
Has your dog been eating out of the same bowls for years? Has it been a while since you paid attention to your furry buddy’s dinnerware? If so, it may be time for a pupgrade. Buying doggy dinnerware isn’t exactly rocket science, but there are some things to keep in mind. A Lexington, KY vet offers some tips on this below.


Choosing a dish that is the right size is very important. If you have a puppy, go ahead and get adult-sized dishes. Otherwise, you’ll be replacing them within weeks!


Did you know that dogs have to splay their legs to eat off the floor? This may also strain Fido’s neck and back. Over time, this can contribute to many different bone/joint problems, such as arthritis. Elevated dishes are much more comfortable for many pooches.


Plastic bowls are inexpensive, but they will fade and break into tiny cracks that can trap dangerous bacteria. Plus, some of our four-legged friends are allergic to plastic. Ceramic bowls are more attractive, but they can shatter. They are also porous, which means that, like the plastic bowls, they can harbor germs. Our choice? Stainless steel. It doesn’t have any of these issues, and also offers the advantage of being very easy to clean.


Does your canine buddy have floppy ears? Dishes with slanted sides can help keep Fido’s ears out of his food bowl.

Keep them Separated

You may occasionally find cute attached sets, or bowls that incorporate storage. However, these can be difficult to clean. Buy separate dishes. If you want a matched set, just get two!

Slowing Down

Does Fido tend to wolf down his food … only to immediately throw up? Look for a dish that is designed to slow your canine friend down. You can also put a tennis ball in your furry friend’s bowl. (Note: we don’t recommend this for large breeds, as they could choke.)

Doggy On The Go

Do you like to take Fido out and about with you? Get him a set of collapsible plastic dishes. These are very lightweight and easy to carry, which makes them perfect to take camping or to parks and trails. We also recommend keeping some in your car, just in case. Do you have questions about your dog’s health or care? Contact us, your local Lexington, KY animal clinic, today!

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