
Pet Preparedness Month

June is Pet Preparedness Month! While the coronavirus has swept the country, it’s important to remember that we are still vulnerable to other emergencies, such as fires, floods, earthquakes, and tornados. Being prepared ahead of time can make a huge difference in these types of situations! In this article, a Lexington, KY vet offers some tips on pet preparedness.

Have An Emergency Kit

Have a pet emergency bag ready to go. You’ll need several weeks’ worth of food, treats, and medicine, as well as toys, treats, bedding, towels, grooming supplies, a pet first-aid kit, and a leash and collar. If you have a dog, add waste baggies, a tie-out line, and a muzzle. Fluffy will require a litterbox and litter.

Keep Up With Wellness Care

It’s both harder and more expensive to treat pets for illnesses, injuries, and parasites than it is to prevent them. Keep up with your furry pal’s exams, vaccinations, and parasite control. This is very important! If you dog has a run-in with a wild animal, the last thing you want to worry about is rabies.


Does your canine pal always come when you call him? Does Fido obey basic commands, like Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down? If not, work on finishing your pup’s petucation. If you’re staying home a lot, this can also be a good way to kill some time!


Making sure your furry friend has proper identification is very important. If your dog or cat hasn’t been microchipped yet, you’ll want to get this done right away. Proper ID tags are also crucial, as these are actually the quickest way for someone to contact you if they find your pet.


Many pet-friendly shelters and hotels require proof of pets’ vaccination and registration records. Keep these things with you. You may want to keep them in a sealed plastic bag, so they’re waterproof, along with other papers, such as your pet’s prescriptions, pet first-aid brochures, and a list of pet-safe hotels and shelters.


Pets are an amazing source of comfort in dire situations, especially for children. However, they also can sense when people are scared or uneasy. Pay lots of attention to your furry bff. Cuddles may be on the agenda for both of you! 

As your Lexington, KY vet clinic, we’re dedicated to keeping your beloved pets happy and healthy. Please contact us anytime!

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