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Animal Care Clinic

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Stay Connected With Us!

March 13, 2018

Have you heard about our new app, Vet2Pet? If you want to stay connected – this is a must have! You can download it easily on your iphone or android. What are the benefits?

  • Food and Prescription Requests 
  • Appointment Requests 
  • Amber Alerts for Lost Pets 
  • Secret Specials 
  • Access to Cash Back, Rebates & Coupons 
  • Selfie Shots w/ your BFF

All at the touch of a button! We hope this makes keeping in touch and up-to-date with us easy and fun.

The “Pet Crazy” Team at Animal Care Clinic

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Stopping Your Pet from Gulping Down Food

Does your pet seem to gulp down his food like there’s no tomorrow? Do you

Kitchen Safety for Birds

The kitchen isn’t the safest place for pet birds—their lungs are extra sensitive, and many
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