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A Tail of Survival

June 24, 2015
Gracie is an eleven year old domestic longhair, who is as friendly as can be! If you met her today, you would see only her playful nature and insatiable appetite for both love and food. You would never know that this same kitty had to fight for her life in the not so distant past. Almost three years ago, Gracie’s mom noticed a strange change in Gracie’s behavior. Normally active and playful, she had suddenly become very lethargic. A trip to Animal Care Clinic revealed a mass in Gracie’s abdomen. Doctor’s and nurses sprang into action, rushing Gracie into surgery. A few hours later, Gracie’s family received some of the worst news any family can hear – Gracie had cancer. Known as High-Grade Intestinal Lymphoma, Gracie’s cancer was the type that gave life expectancy in weeks and months, not years. Every vet at Animal Care Clinic was brought in to consult on Gracie’s case and together they were able to remove the lump. However, Gracie’s difficult road to recovery was not over. Animal Care Clinic referred Gracie to Dr. Harris at the Veterinary Oncology & Referral Clinic in Milford, OH to receive chemotherapy treatments that would help eradicate any remaining cancer from Gracie’s body. Together, the two clinics partnered with Gracie’s family throughout more than two years of treatment and testing in order to bring Gracie back to her happy, healthy self. “Some days were harder than others,” says Gracie’s mom as she recounts spoon-feeding Gracie baby food just to get her to eat. In the end, Gracie’s last two bloodwork panels have shown something amazing – remission! Gracie has been completely off of her cancer medications for the past four months and is doing wonderfully. Gracie’s mom says, “I’ve stopped looking at the research on Gracie’s condition, she’s far outlived the expectations of any I can find!”      

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