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Caring for a Pet Hamster

March 1, 2015
Hamsters are quite popular as pocket pets. These cuties are not only adorable to watch, they are also very gentle, which makes them great pets for children. Just like any other animal, hamsters do have some specific care requirements. Below, your local veterinarian Lexington goes over some key points of hamster care.


The first thing you’ll need to get for your new pet is a suitable cage. One hamster will need at least 3 square feet of space, although your little furball will be happier with some extra room. When choosing the cage, make sure to pick one that has at least one side made of mesh or wire. This will ensure proper ventilation. Once you’ve got a cage picked out, you’ll need to choose a substrate. Aspen and wood pulp are great choices for hamsters, though there are several other options as well. Stay away from pine or cedar, as these can be dangerous for small animals. Hammie will also need at least one hidey-hole, so he has a quiet place to go for sleeping and relaxing. Pet stores have some super adorable options for hamster houses, but you can also make one using an old plant pot or even a box.


You can feed your pet hamster a commercial pellet food for his basic diet. Hammie will get bored eating the same old thing every day, so you’ll want to supplement his menu with a bit of variety. Hamsters can eat many different kinds of fruits and vegetables, though you always want to double check to be sure a food is safe before feeding it to your little furball. You can also feed your furry buddy occasional bits of plain, cooked meat; boiled eggs; cheese; and mealworms for special treats. Fresh water is also a must!


Living in a cage can get a bit dull, so to keep your pet hamster healthy and happy, you’ll need to provide some entertainment options. Wheels and runabouts are very popular for pocket pets, and they’ll help your pet get some exercise. Avoid wire wheels, as these can damage your furball’s little feet. Chew toys are also a must, as hamsters need to chew to keep their teeth healthy. Mazes, ramps, and even little balls are also great options for Hammie’s toy box. Please click here for more articles from your local vet Lexington.

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