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The Truth Behind the Myths: Microchipping Your Pet

October 13, 2014
Positive identification is the only way to ensure that you are reunited with your pet if it becomes lost or stolen. A microchip is a tiny piece of surgical grade glass that can be implanted at any time to provide a unique identification number. Veterinarians, shelters, and animal control departments have hand held scanners to check lost pets for a chip. Unfortunately many owners have allowed unfounded concerns to keep them from micro chipping their pets. If you’ve been hesitating to have your pet micro chipped, check out our vets’ responses to the following common reasons for not micro chipping pets.   My pets always wears their collar with tags so they don’t need a microchip. A secure collar with tags indicating the home address and phone numbers is a good start. The problem is that collars come off. Collars are often designed to “break-away” in case the collar gets hung on a fence or tree limb, or even if a dog pulls too hard on their leash or tie out.  Many times collars will be removed for bathing, a prime time for a water-phobic pet to run away from home. A microchip is permanent and will never come off of your pet. I don’t want to put my pet through the pain of getting a microchip. Implanting a microchip is a relatively quick and painless process, very similar to a vaccination. A small needle containing the chip is inserted underneath your pet’s skin, the chip is released, and the needle is removed — a process which takes only a few seconds. A microchip can be easily implanted without anesthesia, though many pet owners will chose to have this done while their pet is already asleep for a surgery such as spaying or neutering. Shelters and vets all use different scanners so only some will be able to read my pet’s microchip. Most microchip scanners are universal and can detect and read chips from any company. I don’t want a stranger to be able to access my personal information through my pet’s microchip. Scanners are actually very simplistic in the information they allow a shelter or vet clinic to see. Most scanners will only show your pet’s microchip number and a phone number for the company to which the chip is registered. Pet owners can designate whether they would like the company to release their personal information to anyone who reports that they have found the pet, or whether they would like the company to contact them directly to arrange a reunion. I can’t afford to have my pet microchipped. Implanting a microchip is actually a relatively inexpensive procedure as it does not require any form of surgery. Many shelters will charge fees to reclaim a lost pet, which often increase by the day, so not having your pet microchipped may actually be a financially costly decision if your pet ever becomes lost.   We hope that this information will help put your mind at ease when it comes to having your pet microchipped. If you have further questions please don’t hesitate to contact us. If your pet already has a microchip, please take a moment to ensure that the information registered with your microchip company is current. A microchip is only as good as the company’s ability to contact you when your pet is found! Let The Animal Care Clinic help in keeping your pet safe, healthy, and at home with you throughout their lives! Contact us today at 223-8866 to set up an appointment to have your pet microchipped. 

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